Friday, September 5, 2008

Sacamos "Plata"

Alrighty. After much anticipation, complaining, whining, judging, and general feelings of self entitlement, we finally played the Battle of The Bands for the X96 Big Ass Show last night. Four bands competed in the September 4th battle:

Mutton Hollow: Somewhat of a cross between Metallica and Thursday. Pretty talented dudes, especially the drummer. Our main critique would be that (and this just comes from being in that genre) it sounded like they played one 30-minute song. Not a lot of changes.

Self Expression Music: This was embarassing. These clowns were comprised of no less than 10 different members--one of which was a pregnant girl--all taking turns rapping about their shitty Salt Lake white-boy/white-trash lives. That's right, rap. Hip hop. I appreciate X96 wanting to add "diversity" to the competition, however this was too far. They had zero chance of winning, and if they did, how would that play out on the main stage? They would be boo-ed off the grounds. So it was a complete waste to have these guys on the bill.

Larusso: The winners. Really nice guys, we have to admit that and thank them for telling people to stick around for us and introducing themselves to us after the show. With that being said, they were quite boring. Sounded like a mediocre version of every fourth generation Emo-Punk trendy band on the radio. Think Fall Out Boy without any of the catchy hooks and much less powerful vocals. And we are NOT fans of FOB. They won, however, by over 100 votes. Now you might think that they must have proved themselves with such a landslide decision. But don't forget, this competition was based off of balots at the show (i.e.friends the bands brought) and mainly, text messages. No judging on talent whatsoever. If that had been the case, I think Mutton Hollow would have beat out Larusso.

We came in 2nd. This is perfectly acceptable, if not, exciting for us since it means that we are now guaranteed a spot to play at the Big Ass Show--albeit on the local stage. We really cannot complain. Had this been a judged competition, we would have stronger feelings, but how can you hate on a band for winning when it only was based on their friend base? It's not our fault or theirs that they have more friends. I will say that the most satisfying outcome was that some of Larusso's fans came up to us afterwards and confessed they cast one of their two votes for us. Ha!

It feels good to get this all behind us. We would have really liked to win at least last night's competition so we could open up for the Real Salt Lake soccer game, but just the chance to play at a festival is a big boost.


Nicole Lawrence said...

There is nothing wrong with Pregnant woman rappers! I, myself, am one of them.


Say what? uh uhuh. Shiiiiiiiiit

I have one quick question, was Lurusso able to have people voting since the time they played up until the end of the show? If so, that's recockulous.

Steady Machete said...

Haha! That's hilarious. If I understand your question, Larusso had people voting throughout the entire show, just like us. Still, recockulous is quite apropoe for this situation.

Nicole Lawrence said...

Well I was told that they didn't disclose "steady" until right before you played, giving us 45 mins to vote. But Lurusso had more time or the same amount of time as you did? I was misinformed, if we were able to vote the entire time.