A few weeks ago we were invited to play once again at the Star Bar in Park City, this time during the Sundance Film Festival. Of course our immediate expectations are playing to a full club after doing shots with Scarlett Johanson, and signing a million dollar record deal. Totally possible.
Star Bar is located at the very top of the hill on Main Street and in years past, has been the sole official music venue for Sundance. As we were setting up and sound checking for our last show there, the extremely friendly and capable sound tech was giving us glory stories about Slash and Scott Ian making impromptu appearances on the stage with other veteran metal bands. Playing in any venue that is rich in history is always a rare pleasure. Playing there again on a night that just might make history--at least for us--is just plain exciting.
The manager of the bar asked us to play on a Tuesday night, but thought better of it upon organizing a show Sunday with the Washington Film Society, and Sub Pop Records. Very kind of him to think of us to play when a record company throws a party during Sundance. Turns out we're playing with a band called, Handsome Furs who are, naturally, signed to Sub Pop Records. For those who don't know Sub Pop, think Nirvana, Soundgarden, Pearl Jam, and more recently, Wolf Parade (singer/guitarist is the same for Handsome Furs), Postal Service, and a personal favorite, Band of Horses.
So we're working double time to finish up our "new" EP which will probably once again be called "Fisticuffs." Hey, it won best EP of 2008 according to like 20 people on PostFontaine's blog. Why fix it if it's not broke? The official line-up of songs will be as follows:
My Engine
The Cause
The Sun Rose in the West
These are all redone, and recorded by Tommy on his several-year old Powerbook using Garage Band. I hate to break it to the local studios, but so far, this mix sounds remarkably better than the $50/hour stuff. We're so excited to release this new disc. If it ends up sounding as good as we think, we're going to actually do the album art and have them manufactured as a real CD ready to sell. Now if we could just get Love Monkey 4000 to finish our t-shirts, we'd be in business. But back to the upcoming show:
We really just can't say how flattered and excited we are to be playing this show. Of course, often times we find out we're playing a show and we think, wow, there's gonna be TONS of people here, or we may get noticed/signed! But alas, we end up playing with really great bands for a handful of really great fans. Nevertheless, ScarJo could still find her way to the top of the hill--Ryan Reynolds in tow--and wonder, "what is this fantastic music I'm hearing?"
SLC...2 years later.
14 years ago